Month: January 2016

Future Orchestra Members


2015 killian flyer


beginner orchestra

Welcome 5th Graders!

We are so excited to have you at Killian next year!  You have so many amazing elective choices here with band, choir, theatre, art, and of course orchestra!  No matter what you choose you will be sure to discover new things, learn with friends, and make new friends!  KMS students get two elective choices so make sure to select orchestra as one of your top two choices.

Everyone is welcome in orchestra!  No experience necessary.  Students can try each instrument at the open house and decide which one is right for them.  Current orchestra students will be available to showcase the instruments and answer any questions about the orchestra.  We look forward to having you in orchestra!

You can still join orchestra!  Select orchestra as one of your top 2 elective choices and you will be placed in orchestra.  To schedule an instrument appointment or if you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Cautivar at .